
The Harvest Is Plentiful, But The Laborers are Few

Matthew 9:37

The Bible teaches that God is calling believers to spread the message of salvation to all people. Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) commands His followers to make disciples of every nation, demonstrating that the Gospel is meant to reach beyond cultural and geographical boundaries.

As lights in our community, Crossbridge Baptist Church is called to reflect God’s love and declare His glory where we live (Psalm 96:3), embodying His mission through everyday relationships and opportunities. Local missions is the foundation of God’s redemptive plan, as each believer, empowered by the Holy Spirit, becomes an ambassador for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), sharing the good news of reconciliation with those nearest to them.

The Cottrell’s

Missionaries to Thailand

The Cottrell’s

Adam and Ayla Cottrell are missionaries in Bangkok, Thailand, sent out of Cherry Street Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri.  They have a one year son named Jaxton.